Lesson 2

Introduction to the Brain Soul Complex




c. The Interpretative cortex: 

1.  The gray matter of this cortex is a part of a mechanism that presents interpretation of present experience to conscience.

(i.e. to the highest brain mechanism where the soul functions). 

2.  Clinical evidence indicates that past experience can be  brought back in total detail.   


3.  The cortex forms the storage banks for knowledge (i.e. experience, learning, etc.) 

4.  The brain has, many uncommitted convolutions. 



d.  The Hippocampus Zone: 

1. The hippocampi (2) stores the keys of access to the record of consciousness. (keeps track of where info is stored)

2. In conjunction with the interpretative cortex they make possible the scanning and recall of experiential memory leaving all non-sentient data out.

3. If removed on one side, memory remains but if both are removed ability to recall voluntarily is lost. 



e.  Central Gray Matter of the Highest Brain Mechanism (Brain - stem the area of integration of data) 

1.  Injury or interference with function in the higher brain-stem even in small areas abolishes consciousness completely. 

2.  Clinical evidence indicates that this is the area of consciousness where it interfaces with the soul.   (any disruption is called epilepsy or automatism) 


3.  A major attack of epilepsy is when a discharge originates in the sensory or motor area of the cerebral cortex and spills over into the brain stem - called "grand mal." 

4.  A minor attack is when a discharge originates in other than the sensory or motor area and spills over to the brain-stem - called petit mal or automatism.      





2. The problem stated: 

a. Is man monistic or dualistic?  Penfield asks the question - Does the brain alone explain the mind? (pg 4-5)  "Either the brain action explains the mind or we must deal with two elements." 

b. Hippocrates  (Penfield pg 7-8) 


3. Clinical evidence for the existence of the real you. 

a. Large removals of the cerebral cortex do not cause loss of consciousness but injury to the higher brain stem can.    (Penfield pg. 18 para. 1). 

b. Epileptic discharge into the higher brain stem producing petit mal produces complete amnesia, no decisions are made under petit mal without precedent.  (Penfield pg. 76-77). 


4. Conclusions:   

a. The brain and its function is similar to a computer.  

b. The soul is the programmer of the computer.

(Penfield pg. 60-62, 83-85). 

c. The brain cannot will or decide. 

d. This all agrees with the W.O.G. as we will see!



Reference: Mystery of the Mind  by Wilder Penfield

The Brain, The Soul and the Angelic Conflict by Ronnie A. Killingsworth

(Doctoral Thesis 1978)


Overview of the Brain - Soul Complex


1. Sin Nature is the source of sin, human good and evil.

a. This gene or combination of genes is found in the chromosomes of every cell of every member of the human race (exception JC only).

- it is not a part of the soul

b. While this gene is carried by both male and female DNA it is only transmitted by the male in his  sperm during fertilization.  Rom 5:12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

c. The female egg is uncontaminated during ovulation giving 23 perfect chromosomes (minus sin nature) for fertilization.




d. The sin nature gene possessed by the female is supernaturally removed from the egg by the process of meiosis.

Meiosis refers to cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number.


e. The result is that every cell in our brain (bel or unbel) has a gene contaminated by the sin nature consequently any information coming into the brain is distorted by the sin nature, this "body of sin/corruption".

- will discover that the addition of the human spirit for the believer ensures we acquire a clear readout of doctrine into the analysis center to make decisions from.


2. THE HUMAN BRAIN; the computer like function of the body gives read-outs to the soul concerning the environment and makes thought possible concerning both physical and spiritual reality.

a. It stores the decision and analysis concerning this data from the soul in it's cerebral cortex for future use.

b. It sends out efferent impulses to the rest of the body making the appropriate action, reaction, and response possible.



a. While inseparably tied to the material brain process it is a substance distinct in itself.

 b. The soul is higher than the brain and the place of mental conception or thought operations which control the brain computer. (BC)


 c. The soul is the invisible but real you and is the seat of human life which God gives.  


 4. THE HUMAN SPIRIT: Jn 3:6,7; 1 Thess 5:23; Heb 4:12; Lk 1:47.


a.  At best we can determine from current clinical information and the WOG the human spirit acts as a spiritual brainstem. Prov 20:27;  Eph.1:17;  Job 32:8.


b.  This spiritual brainstem acts as an integrative mechanism to ensure clear and undistorted information (readouts) from the environment and brain computer to the analysis center of the soul concerning physical reality and spiritual information. i.e. a sp. apparatus. 1 Cor 2:13.

            - gives us the capacity to analyze all input vs. dvpt


c.  The empowering of the indwelling Holy Spirit neutralizes the sin nature so the brain computer stores correct information.


d.  The human spirit is the only link between the physical reality of man and the spiritual reality of God.  1 Cor 2:14; Rom 8:16.

            - Corinthians thought they could learn BD through human IQ.


5.  It is impossible to discern spiritual phenomena or to have a true relationship with God apart from the activities of the human spirit and of God the HS.        1 Cor 2:10-14.


6.  Adam was created first with a body and when God breathed into him the breath of lives he received from God physical and spiritual life which included a human spirit.   

Gen 2:7, 1:26, 27;  Jn 4:24.


a. When Adam transgressed the commandment by negative volition and ate he died spiritually (lost the human spirit) Gen 2:17.


b. Because of Adam's original sin (AOS) part of the judgment that resulted was that a sin nature was imputed to him and to his progeny.


c. Result was immediate spiritual death. 1 Cor 2:14; Jude 19.


7.  The indwelling Holy Spirit indwells every cell of the body as does the sin nature gene to give additional protection for the  believers in intensified stage of the A/C.   1 Cor 6:19, 20.

 a. Doesn't function without empowering of the HS; becomes a base of operations.


8.  The empowering of the Holy Spirit activates supernatural circuitry from the human spirit to the analysis center of the soul to insure accurate information coming out of the brain computer gets to the soul.

Therefore the indwelling of Holy Spirit is the principle of victory over the sin nature while the empowering of the Holy Spirit is the functional or operational victory over the sin nature.


9.  Remember that our spiritual life is defined as being trichotomous (3) having body, soul, and human spirit.  1 Thes 5:23