Lesson #1  5/7/00

Manhood and Womanhood -  Biblical Viewpoint



<1> Introduction:






    We will examine the "pillars" of masculinity and the "pillars" of femininity; that is what characteristics does the Word build these roles around.

    - for the man: to lead, to provide and to protect.

    - for the woman:  to affirm, to receive, to depend.





Ø      The thrust or theme of this study comes from Gen 1:27.         "male and female He created them"




  In setting the stage for what we're going to study, 2 assumptions!


    #1. It is God's desire for men to be men and women to be women!




    #2. God can and will teach us the difference, the meaning of each IF we will listen, and are willing to be taught!







Ø      The distinctive roles are complimentary not competitive!









Ø      Satan always has a counterfeit to truth, to God's plan/design!











Ø      This study is necessary today to counter the current consensus    viewpoint of feminism.






Ø      There's another contemporary consensus viewpoint fast rising on the scene and that is Pantheism.

   DEF: This is the teaching that God is not a personality at all, God is nature.




- This thinking, form of theology, teaching is becoming infused in our society, predominantly by 2 groups.



#1 Contemporary environmentalism.






#2 Animal rights movement.